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LEMON cajeputi fragrance TEDDINGTON

Stimulant - the fresh and fruity aromas
LEMON cajeputi fragrance - LS-CAJECITR5L

Description :  LEMON cajeputi fragrance - LS-CAJECITR5L

Available in refill, per can of 5 Liters

Technical Data :  LEMON cajeputi fragrance - LS-CAJECITR5L


Stimulating - with fresh and fruity aromas

The cajeput has been used since the beginning of time for its healing properties. Cajeput essential oil is a powerful antiseptic and a recognized muscle relaxant

Lemon is the essential oil of the woman par excellence. It is known for its bactericidal and disinfectant effects in case of cooling, and reinforces the natural immunities. Studies in Japan have confirmed that the use of lemon oil in offices can reduce absenteeism by half and increase performance.

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7, avenue Philippe Lebon, 92390 Villeneuve la Garenne, France
Tel: +33 (0)1 41 47 71 71    Fax: +33 (0)1 47 99 95 95