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Fast selection for pool dehumidifier

Fast chart for pool dehumidier choice

A swimming pool dehumidifier can be selected according to several parameters :

- Pool water temperature
- Air temperature
- Volume of the wellness area
- Swimming pool surface area
- Swimming pool activity
- Presence of a cover
- Presence of water games

Teddington offers you here graphs for quick selection of your air dehumidifier according to pool surface, water temperature and air temperature.

. Relative humidity depends on the air temperature: the warmer the air, the lower the humidity must be in order to guarantee optimal comfort.

The selected models are part of the following ranges NOVA, DOLCE & ROMA







This information is given for information only, a personalised study must always be carried out before installing a pool dehumidifier.
Teddington's indoor pool dehumidification experts are regularly trained in the latest technologies and are aware of the ever-changing standards and constraints. Their experience and know-how are a major asset to ensure that your project lives up to your expectations.

Teddington's indoor pool dehumidification advisers are at your disposal for information on 01 41 47 71 71 or via our contact form, or by email at

Teddington France cannot be held responsible for these graphics.

Teddington France Logo Teddington France
7, avenue Philippe Lebon, 92390 Villeneuve la Garenne, France
Tel: +33 (0)1 41 47 71 71    Fax: +33 (0)1 47 99 95 95